Erin Thaler Assistant Principal | Campbell Middle School
Erin Thaler Assistant Principal | Campbell Middle School
As Dr. Seuss once said, "You can find magic, wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” This sentiment was brought to life in Cobb as guest readers participated in the Read Across Cobb event, sharing their joy of reading with students across the district.
Read Across Cobb is a local adaptation of Read Across America and extends beyond celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday. It represents a district-wide effort to promote literacy and foster a love for reading among students of all ages.
Superintendent Chris Ragsdale, along with district leaders, board members, and community supporters, dedicated time to read to students. This act highlighted that literacy is not just an academic skill but also a key to success in school and life.
The event spanned more than a week, allowing students from various schools to engage with stories and storytellers. Schools across the district welcomed readers who shared their favorite books and emphasized the significance of reading in daily life.
Superintendent Ragsdale visited Kemp Elementary School to read to first-grade students. Board Member Brad Wheeler also participated by reading to third graders at Kemp before visiting Still Elementary School and Cheatham Elementary School. He began his day at Vaughan Elementary School.
Other board members read at King Springs Elementary School, Clay Harmony Leland Elementary School, Mt. Bethel Elementary School, and Argyle Elementary School. They engaged students throughout the district with storytelling sessions.
Board Chair David Chastain continued his tradition of captivating students with stories at Bells Ferry, Chalker, and Pitner elementary schools. "Every time I read to our students, it brings me joy to see their eyes light up with questions," he stated.
The reading tour included Russell, Norton Park, Brumby elementary schools as well as Compton, Sanders, Teasley, Timber Ridge, and Tritt elementary schools.
Assistant Superintendents such as Dr. Kevin Carpenter and Ms. Candace Wilkes joined the initiative by reading at Eastside, Cheatham Hill, and Pickett’s Mill elementary schools. Executive Cabinet members like Dr. Jasmine Kullar also returned to classrooms to share their love for books.
Throughout each school visit, the message was clear: Reading is essential for building vocabulary, sparking imagination, enhancing critical thinking skills, and opening new opportunities.
The event underscored Cobb Schools' commitment to literacy through partnerships within the community. As Dr. Seuss noted: “The more that you read, the more things you will know.”
Community involvement remains crucial in strengthening this foundation of student success—a reason why the District recently celebrated top Cobb school volunteers.